Find an LHA Assessor
LHA Assessors registered with LHA and listed on this web site can assess a dwelling design or a final-as-built dwelling as meeting the Livable Housing Australia Silver, Gold or Platinum performance levels.

Name | Location | Details |
Nicole LevittAccess All Ways Consultants LHA20383 | Queensland23 Missing Link Road, Ilkley QLD 4554 | |
Khai TamO’Brien Harrop Access LHA20382 | Western AustraliaUnit 6, 19 Mumford Place, Balcatta WA 6021 | |
Lee-Anne HeronO’Brien Harrop Access LHA20381 | Western AustraliaUnit 6, 19 Mumford Place, Balcatta WA 6021 | |
Anika AsplundTeknemodus PL LHA20380 | Queensland112 – 114 Brocks Road, Currumbin Valley QLD 4223 | |
Sarah SmithSarah Smith Occupational Therapy LHA20379 | New South WalesMerewether Heights NSW 2291 | |
Laure de VaugelasLVA LHA20378 | New South Wales170 Denison St. Hamilton, NSW, 2303 | |
Micahel AkkawiBuiltcom Constructions Pty Ltd LHA20377 | New South WalesLevel 1, 60 Burwood Rd, Burwood NSW 2134 | |
Colin EarleJensen Hughes LHA20376 | VictoriaUnit 304- 87 Gladstone Street, South Melbourne |

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